Get started with Blossom and Zoom

Tutorial: Setup the Blossom notepad app with Zoom

Get started: Install the Blossom Notepad App for Zoom
Step 1: Sign up for Blossom.
Step 2: Download the Blossom Desktop App for Mac OSX or Windows.
Step 3: Watch the below video, to learn how to connect your Zoom account with Blossom.
Tutorial: Blossom notepad collaboration during a Zoom call
Note: As the host of the Zoom call, you can invite teammates to join a collaborative note-taking session during a your next live Zoom call

How to instructions below:
Step 1:
Make sure both your Zoom and Blossom accounts are connected. Need help?
Step 2: Open up Zoom and the Blossom Notepad App. Need help with this?
Step 3: As the host of the Zoom call, you can collaborate with anyone on your team by adding them from the collaborate button found near the top right of your Blossom Notepad.
Step 4: Invite anyone who shows up below to join the upcoming note-taking session.
Step 5: When ready, begin recording a local or cloud call inside Zoom.
Step 6: The Blossom notepad will take only a few seconds to kick into note-taking mode.
Step 7: Together start writing notes during the call, directly within the Blossom Notepad.
Step 8: When you are done, stop the recording and end your call.
Step 9: Don't forget to wait for Zoom to finish uploading your call into Blossom*.
Step 10: Review the recording together inside your Blossom Workspace.